5 more reasons to love WordPress.org

Yep you read the post title right, “5 more reasons to love WordPress” the keyword being more because who out there doesn’t love this wonderful platform. WordPress was originally released in 2003 as a blogging platform, at the time blogging wasn’t entirely popular but was starting to become a hobby as the internet was on the verge of its grown spurt. Today we are going to take a look at how far WordPress has come and why it is the best platform to not only run a blog on, but an entire website as well.

5. WordPress is easy to use

Out of several CMS (Content Management Systems) I have dealt with I must say by far WordPress is the easiest to install, configure and get up and running, not to mention pick a theme for, it took me less than 30 minutes to get it up and running and have my first post online! WordPress is perfect for bloggers, but it can be themed to run the perfect website that can be literally setup in just a few minutes of your time!

4. Plenty of plugins

Plugins.. They are great, in fact without plugins there would be a lot of functionality not available for WordPress… Extra functionality I must mention! Plugins can transform the typical WordPress blog into a fully functional website loaded with features, with over 60 million downloads to date there are plenty of authors publishing plug-ins from contact forms to sharing buttons and much much more!

3. Themes

Not only are there a plethora of plug-ins to choose from but WordPress has a large directory of themes to choose from, you can find premium themes which are paid or you can find a lot of free themes which still look great, even from there you can customize colors, images and other settings. WordPress has the perfect themes for every webmaster/blogger.

2. Easy admin/backend panel

Are you a novice webmaster or new to creating a website? You don’t need to know a whole lot with WordPress, the goal with WordPress is to get the typical user up and blogging/writing in less than an hour, you don’t have to be an expert to have your own website and start sharing the valuable information you know! Simply login, create a new post and publish it when you’re done… It’s really just that easy!

1. Search engine friendly

WordPress is by far the most SEO optimized platform/CMS available. Out of the box WordPress uses the ?p="post number" urls, this can be changed in the admin menu under settings in just a matter of seconds. There are also plugins you can download for SEO as well as a Google Sitemap plugin which will definitely improve your SEO… WordPress generally ranks higher than websites that aren’t running this wonderful platform.. and after all isn’t more traffic a good thing?


You don’t just have to be starting a blog to use WordPress, many websites are using this great CMS even as far as completing recoding the backend to completely customize there site. WordPress has always been free (opensource) software since its original release. I have tried other CMS such as Joomla, Drupal and Concrete5, they unfortunately just don’t compare to how smooth WordPress operates, not to mention the support behind WordPress is incredible you can find answers for just about any question you have in the forums, and if you have a question that hasn’t already been asked you can simply ask yourself and you will receive answers! Many popular tech sites like Mashable, Techcrunch use WordPress to mange their stuff.