Jekyll static assets cache busting

For implementing cache busing into Jekyll HTML output linked assets we can use Jekyll site time tag. Following we have discussed it briefly.

Jekyll site last modified time

If you are using Jekyll to generate your site or blog, you might curious to know the last exact site modified/generated time as the Jekyll generate and keep the files in _site folder.

I found the following liquid tag to know the exact last time when you run the jekyll command.

{{ site.time }}

To know modified time according to your locale timezone you have to add your tz database time zone in your _config.yml:

timezone: Asia/Kathmandu # add your own locale timezone

And you can add this in the end of your website source code to display the date and time that the website was last modified:

<!-- Last modified at: {{ site.time }} -->

Which output as:

<!-- Last modified at: 2015-01-05 18:06:54 +0545 -->

If you are hosting your site on GitHub Pages and using Jekyll:

<!-- Proudly Hosted on GitHub | Generated {{ site.time }} | Revision {{ site.github.build_revision }} -->

Which output in following format:

<!-- Proudly Hosted on GitHub | Generated 2015-01-05 18:06:54 +0545 | Revision 8b10cc6954163643f53d0b503888578e143d7e57 -->

Jekyll assets cache busting

Implementing cache-busting each time you make a change will allow the user’s browser to download the latest assets, therefore you get no site assets breakages until a hard refresh.

If we deploy a file with a unique name, the browser will recognise it as a new file and serve it up. A commonly-used cache-busting technique is to append a unique identifier (or hash) to the names of our asset files (such as CSS and JS files). For example, style.css becomes style-1618065829.css.

You could also manually increment when changes occur using semantic versioning e.g. style.css?v=1.2 — but its time consuming method and boring stuff to do. So, following we will learn a automatic technique our Jekyll will handle every time you build your site.

Building Jekyll site using GitHub Pages

Create a build_version.html file into _includes/ folder and save the following snippet:

{%- if site.github.build_revision and jekyll.environment == "production" -%}
  {%- assign build_version = site.github.build_revision -%}
{%- else -%}
  {%- assign build_version = site.time | date: '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' -%}
{%- endif -%}

Then where ever you need include it on the top of your page and tag {{ build_version }} to the end of your assets.

{% include build_version.html %}

<!-- Critical CSS -->
  href="{{ 'assets/css/style.css' | relative_url }}?v={{ build_version }}"

<!-- Core JavaScript -->
<script src="{{ 'assets/js/bundle.js' | relative_url }}?v={{ build_version }}"></script>


{% include build_version.html %}

<!-- Critical CSS -->
  href="{{ 'assets/css/style.css?v=' | append: build_version | relative_url }}"

<!-- Core JavaScript -->
<script src="{{ 'assets/js/bundle.js?v=' | append: build_version | relative_url }}"></script>

Building Jekyll site using GitHub Actions

To add cache busting, you can also simply append the global to the end of my assets, and force it to a unix timestamp (seconds since the epoch 1970):

  href="{{ 'assets/css/style.css' | relative_url }}?v={{ site.time | date: '%s' }}"


{% assign build_version = site.time | date: '%s' %}

  href="{{ 'assets/css/style.css?v=' | append: build_version | relative_url }}"

This will then compile and render out your current timestamp every time you make a change to your site, as the site is statically rendered on the server upon changing something:

<link href="assets/css/style.css?v=1618065829" rel="stylesheet" />

Now, this technique will bust/digest browser cache of the file every time the site is built.

Happy Jekyll’ing!