Free C-ASBA service charge provider Banks in Nepal

Application Supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA) is a process for applying to public/rights issues submitted by investors by blocking the application money in their Bank account while subscribing to the issue.

C-ASBA will ensure centralized posting and verification of Bank account numbers and DMAT account numbers ease monitoring of double application for issue managers and share registrars, cancellation of application upon double applications and prepare a final report for securities allocation.

Last updated at September 4, 2022; for current updated data visit your respective Bank’s website for standard charges sheet.

Here’s a list of various Banks in Nepal with free C-ASBA service charges per application.

SymbolBank NameCharge (in rupees)
NABILNabil BankFree
NBLNepal BankFree
NICANIC Asia BankFree
RBBRastriya Banijya BankFree
SBLSiddhartha BankFree


  • The Banks update the asba charges from time to time. Hence, the above amount may differ at current time.
  • Above mention amount are per application.

Related post: C-ASBA charge of various Banks in Nepal